1 Wall Street
Ravenswood , West Virginia 26164
Phone: 304.273.2621
Jackson County-Wide Cleanup Day
Saturday October 2, 2021
8:00am to 3:00pm
County Fairgrounds on Rt. 62 near Cottageville
**Residents are encouraged to take full advantage of this opportunity as participation will determine future need for the event. The cost to hold this one-day cleanup will be several thousand dollars including a significant amount of volunteer time to organize and coordinate, so donations will be gladly accepted. **
On Saturday, October 2, 2021, (rain or shine) at the County Fairgrounds near Cottageville, the Jackson County Solid Waste Authority, with support from the Jackson County Commission, will hold a one-day County-Wide Trash Cleanup event for Jackson County residents to dispose of:
Jackson Countians, with proof of residency, can drop off items October 2, between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm, (again…rain or shine). The drop site at the Fairgrounds will be set up in stations for the various discarded items including one station for Goodwill items, another for recycling, another for trash, and another for steel and appliances, in that specific order. It is requested that items be pre-organized/sorted (the best you can) to accommodate easy drop off at each of the stations, so the flow of traffic is not interrupted or slowed, so please organize your vehicles with the materials in that order, if possible.
Items Not being accepted for this event include: Junk Cars; Yard Waste; Free liquids, Paint, gasoline, Flammable or Hazardous Materials; Fluorescent lamps; Explosives, ammunition, Radioactive Materials; or Medical Waste; etc.
Let us all do our part to make Jackson County trash and litter free by cleaning up our properties and bringing those unwanted items to the County Farm on Saturday October 2. If you do not have a complete load of trash on your own, and you know there is trash in your area that needs disposed of properly (along the roadside, in the creek, etc.) be a Good Samaritan and bring those in as well!
Please bring your tires to the separate event only, as they will not be collected at the cleanup. For the tire event, tires must have NO RIMS, and a 10 TIRE LIMIT is strictly enforced, so please do not bring more than 10. Additionally, due to COVID, we ask at this event that you stay in your vehicle at all times, and the tires will be unloaded for you!