1 Wall Street
Ravenswood , West Virginia 26164
Phone: 304.273.2621
The City Clerk shall be custodian of all city records, books, documents, correspondence and other instruments and papers for which the custody is not otherwise provided, and he/she shall certify to all true copies thereof for persons entitled thereto by law and shall charge therefore such fees as may be prescribed by resolution or order of the Common Council. The City Clerk shall issue all city licenses and permits, except as may be provided otherwise; he/she shall serve as recording secretary to the Mayor and the Common Council. The City Clerk may administer oaths and take acknowledgments in all cases wherein an oath or acknowledgment is required by this code or other ordinance or resolution of the Common Council; he/she shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided for the office of City Clerk by state law, this code or other ordinance, resolution or order of the Common Council. RMC 2.12.070