Great Bend Museum offers talk about conservation of historic treasures

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Photo of Jess Keister of Steel City Conservation

Join us February 20 at 6 pm for a talk about conservation, preservation, and taking care of our historic treasures. Jessica Keister, an art conservator with Steel City Conservation in Pittsburgh, will be coming to Ravenswood to talk about her work repairing and preserving the 1796 map in our collection. This map, created by the North American Land Company, shows all the property boundaries in the Jackson County area from that time. Many of the properties were received by veterans of the French and Indian War as payment for their service. The map is an incredibly valuable resource and artifact and we're so excited to display it at Ravenswood City Hall. Jessica's talk is provided by a grant from the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation, and her work on the map was funded by a grant from the Fund for Ravenswood.