Faith Walker, Museum Director
Located in Washington's Riverfront Park
Open Tuesday-Saturday 12pm-4pm
The History Alive! program features scholars from around the state who portray historical figures at venues including museums, schools, libraries, community centers, and fairs and festivals.
A witness to and active participant in our nation’s birth, Abigail Adams is well known for her advocacy of women's rights, especially in education, and her opposition to slavery. A valued confidant and advisor to her husband John Adams, the nation's second president, Abigail cautioned him that the Founding Fathers should “remember the ladies” in the new laws they would write for our young country. Together, they were the first inhabitants of the White House.
Portrayed by JoAnn Peterson of Kingwood.
Abigail Adams will speak for 30 minutes.
A 30 minute question and answer session will follow. Park at City Hall on 1 Wall Street. Enter through the front doors. Located on the ADA accessible first floor. Seating provided. Doors open at 5:30.